Takedown in writing of the second motivational speech held by Adolf Hitler at his Obersalzberg home to members of his General Staff and others, H. Göring among them. The date given is 08/22/1939, a week prior to his attack on Poland. The speech was held secret.
Above the title it says:
IMG Nürnberg 1014-PS
(Beweisstück [translator:Exhibit] USA-30)
Aufzeichnung ohne Unterschrift(1) [translator:Recording without signature]
The document is referenced as "193." and titled "Zweite Ansprache [Second Speech] des Führers am 22. August 1939". It contains a footnote referencing a "Dokument Nr. 192". The footnote states:
de: "In dem Prozeß gegen die Hauptkriegsverbrecher hat die Anklagevertretung auf eine weitere Aufzeichnung über Hitlers Ansprache Bezug genommen, das mit L-3 bezeichnete Dokument jedoch nicht als Beweisstück dem Internationalen Militärgerichtshof in Nürnberg überreicht, in dessen amtlicher Ausgabe der Beweisurkunden es daher nicht enthalten ist. Das Dokument, das in englischer Übersetzung in British Documents, Serie 3, Band VII, Nr. 314, Anlage abgedruckt ist, hat folgenden Wortlaut: ..."
en:"In the trial against the main war criminals the prosecution refers to a further recording of Hitler's speech, it refrained, however, from submitting the exhibit, referenced to as L-3, to the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, so that it is not listed in the official edition of the documents in evidence. The document, printed as English translation in British Documents, series 3, volume VII, Nr. 314, attachment, is worded as follows: ..."
Hitler's ensuing speech's third paragraph ends with:
de: "Wer redet heute noch von der Vernichtung der Armenier?"
en: "Who still talks today of the extermination of the Armenians?"
The above is verbatim according to the takedown in writing to be found in the German Foreign Office's archive. The scan in PDF fomat was emailed to me by Dr. Peter Grupp on 08.09.05. It's my best guess that any polite inquiry will be answered.
The complete speech is available as HTML in German language at fes.de, the cultural foundation of the German Social Democratic Party (governing party as of 08/08/05). The date given is 08/23/1939. I will track this down.
Source data
Akten zur Deutschen Auswärtigen Politik 1918-1945 (ADAP)
(en: Files on the German foreign policy 1918-1945 - official site of the German Foreign Office)
Serie D: 1937 - 1941
Band VII: 9. August bis 3. September 1939: Die letzten Wochen vor Kriegsausbruch
(en: August 9th to September 3rd 1939: The last weeks before the outbreak of war)
Signature(en): SEL B 2388
Pages: 171-172
German Foreign Office:
Auswärtiges Amt
11013 Berlin
Phone: +49(0)30-5000-2159 (Secretariat of the Political Archive)
Fax: +49(0)30-5000-3948 [1]
Printed by appointment of the German Foreign Office and to be ordered here:
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