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Материал из Викицитатника
Pavlo Sokhan
Pavlo Sokhan, former board member
Pavlo Sokhan
former board member, Wikimedia Ukraine

About me

My name is Pavlo (Павло). Editing Wikimedia projects since 2007, I am active Wikipedian and administrator of Ukrainian Wikiquote. Author of 11 good articles (uk:Вікіпедія:Автори добрих статей) and over 1600 average articles in Ukrainian. You can contact me in English, Ukrainian or Polish at my uk:User talk:Friend.

My work

Ex-board member of Wikimedia Ukraine (2015–2016 and 2018–2020). Coorganiser and jury member of few CEE Spring editions in Ukraine.

Contact me

You can contact me via wiki mail or at pavlo_friend@ukr.net

Hobbies: history of Lviv, local cemeteries, history of chess, history of football, collecting of reference books, encyclopaedias and history books. Lviv city guide in my spare time.